The End of 2016 - A Reflection
I don't normally write non portrait photography related blog posts, but I'm making an exception for my last post of the year....
Well, 2016, what a year you were. I think I can honestly say that 2016 was one of the most challenging years I’ve lived through. With Brexit and the US election (and being in the corresponding country when the election results came in), and hearing all the hatred that has been spouted on social media, graffitied on walls, and shouted by people in the streets, it’s a wonder that we all don’t just hate humanity at the moment.
But through the troubles and the heartache comes a new wave of people wanting to build everyone up. Wanting to offer support and love and doing what they can to make this world a better place.
“Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny…”
Offering help and support doesn’t just mean giving money to or volunteering for charities and organizations that need your help right now, it means standing up for those that are being discriminated against and bullied. It means being an ally and not an enemy. It means rising above the hatred and being inclusive of everyone, no matter their race, sexuality, gender or religion.
I’ve built my portrait photography business based on these inclusive values, and I’m proud to say that I’ve loved photographing every single one of you that’s come on a photo adventure with me this year. Running your own business is HARD. It’s hard to know when to switch off and take a break. It’s hard dealing with the fact that you’re the artist, web designer, bookkeeper, marketing strategist and sales associate for your business. But it’s SO rewarding doing what you love every day and seeing the look on clients faces when they see their images for the first time. My personal favorite is when people cry because they’re so happy! There’s nothing more flattering than knowing that people love your art. Everything I do is for the happiness of my clients.
So to finish off, THANK YOU for all your continued support. Your messages, words of encouragement, social media follows/likes/comments mean the world to me. I’m blown away by the love from you all. Hope you all had a WONDERFUL holiday season and HAPPY NEW YEAR! Let’s hope 2017 embraces love, kindness and respect.
TL;DR: Bye 2016, you sucked. Hello 2017, please be awesome. Thank you friends, family and clients! YOU ARE THE BEST!