

Why I won't be 'Photoshopping' anymore.

woman relaxing and reading a magazine that says wild and free

For years and years, my goal when photographing was to make people feel like the most beautiful and perfect version of themselves. I thought that that meant photoshopping away their insecurities and smoothing out their skin for that magazine-esque perfection. I was wrong.

As human beings, and especially as women, we have been indoctrinated to believe that we are not good enough. Growing up, buying young adult magazines, all we saw were photographs of women that were so heavily edited that they were now an illustration of ‘perfection’ and not reality itself. There were tabloid photographs splashed across newspapers, where paparazzi had captured unflattering photographs of celebrities in bathing suits, without their consent, shaming their perfectly normal bodies. There were constant before and after photographs, showing us how our bodies could look after only 7 days of some insanely restrictive diet. We were taught that in order to get a loving partner, we needed to make our bodies thinner and more muscular - but not too muscular, lest you become more masculine. A constant array of contradictions.

I thought that the only way my clients would feel beautiful, was if I ‘perfected’ them. So many people have asked me over the years to, “Just Photoshop that out.” And I did it without thinking. But this strive for fake perfection is just that - fake. There is no perfection. There is no perfect skin. There is no perfect body. The only true perfection is who are are. If we can begin to accept ourselves, body and all, then we can begin to accept that beauty is not about our external features.

During the pandemic-that-shall-not-be-named, I started following a more diverse range of people on social media. Prior to that, my whole feed had been filled with photographers that I followed that only photographed model-like people, or clothes brands that hid away their plus sized models on the website and only featured their straight sized on their socials. I followed artists who used filters on every photograph they posted, and models who only posted their final re-touched images. My whole social media life was filled with people I thought I wanted to be like, and create images like theirs. A perfectly curated lie.

So, I’m stopping photoshopping. I just can’t do it anymore. I just don’t believe that beauty only comes with ‘perfection.’ I love the wrinkles around someone’s eyes that show how much they laugh. I love the scars that show how badass our bodies can be. I love the softness of curves. I love the gray streaks in hair that glint in the sunlight. I don’t believe that our permanent features should be smoothed and tweaked in editing software so that we are unrecognizable. If there’s something you are really struggling with when accepting your body, please talk to me about it before your session. As photographers, we have little tips and tricks to angle your body in a way that enhances it, but doesn’t hide it. I want to show you how wonderful you are, and create an experience where you leave feeling empowered, strong and beautiful. All of that can be done without creating an AI version of yourself.

Let’s change how society views us. Let’s show them that we don’t have to fit in to a perfect mold to be amazing. Let’s go against the grain and change the environment that younger people grow up in. Let’s not let them make our mistakes.

Book now to see how beautiful you are.

- Caroline Alexander | Portrait & Personal Branding Photographer in Colorado Springs, Colorado.



I woke up and have a breakout out of nowhere! Will you edit that out?
Yes! Breakouts are temporary and not a permanent feature of your body. I’m happy to edit out a blemish here or there for you if you would prefer.

I really hate my arms, will you photoshop them smaller?
Absolutely not! I can definitely work with you so that your arms aren’t a main feature in the photographs we create together, but I’d be going against my core beliefs if I made you appear smaller. Embrace those strong arms, they do so much for you!

Will you still photoshop out ugly objects, like trash cans?
Yep! Ugly objects have no place in beautiful photographs. I occasionally will remove objects in post-production if they take away focus from the subject.

Can you smooth out my pores?
I can…. but I won’t, sorry! Pores are a natural part of the human body. However, because I’m a natural light photographer, there will be no harsh lighting on your face which emphasizes skin texture. I am very skilled at photographing you in a light that flatters your skin, and promise that you’ll love the finished photographs.